desk report:
Tarek Welfare, a Pakistani based Lahore-based helper organization, has stood by the Rohingya who fled from Myanmar due to the brutality of the army, BGP and Rakhine community. On Saturday morning, other officials of the organization, led by Bangladesh-based director of the organization, Mohammad Ismail Hossain of Ukhia Kutupalong Temporary Refugees Camp, near the border of Myanmar distributed relief material among the 6th family of Rohingya for the second time. In addition to relief materials, biscuits, chocolates and snacks were distributed among the Rohingya children. During this time, Tarek Welfare Association director Mohammad Isma’il listened to the stories of the brutal torture of Rohingyas as well as their relief and distributed condolences. He said that we are responsible for every Rohingya refugees. From this obligation, Tarek Welfare extended the help of Rohingyas. In the future, they expressed the hope that they will be next in the future. Among others, personal assistant of the director, army personnel, and media workers were among others.
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